MISSION: to improve the mental and physical condition of women survivors of violence and the impact on social policies in supporting of women’s welfare and their integration in all vital areas. For this purpose, a double strategy including basic –level activities by offering psychosocial and gynecological counseling, as well as activities developed on social and political level, was developed. Social and political strategies include activities aiming the sensitization of society and government for the difficult situation of women attacked by the war and the need of shaping of policies on behalf of women’s welfare and their social integration. By using this specific approach. Medica Gjakova helps women to overcome the big social stigmatization and to break the taboo theme that is quiet highly present and affects directly the violation of human rights in general, and the rights of women in particular.


GM continues with this mission through developing the following activities:

– Individual and group psychosocial counseling at the center and in the field;

– Offering of general health consultations in the villages in which it operates;

-Health Consultations / primary gynecological check-ups in the stationary ambulance and in the field;

– Legal Counseling and legal assistance in the center and in villages;

– Compilation of submissions and representation of beneficiaries to judicial authorities and other public authorities;

– Economic empowerment of women;

– Organization of educational and professional courses in the villages and neighborhoods inhabited by minority women’s groups;

– Public Works and lobbying for women’s issues;

– Organization of workshops, seminars and conferences on issues of women’s rights and gender equality;


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